We were unable to find drivers for your product. Try manually selecting your operating system. If your operating system is not listed then HP may not provide driver support for your product with that operating system.
Hp Designjet 800 42 Driver Windows 7 64 Bit
Download Zip: https://cinurl.com/2vBejn
I am trying to find the driver for an HP Designjet 800 42 inch plotter. I am running Windows 10 64 bit and it seems I am having a rather difficult time locating this driver from a virus free zone. I would very much apreciate anyones help or assistance in locating this driver.
What operating system? I just downloaded the driver on my Windows 10 x64 system and it installed fine. Note the installation is a bit different - you need to run the downloaded file. This will prompt for a location to unzip the driver. Make note of the directory where the files are unzipped. You can then go to the Devices and Printers folder, add a printer, select the proper port, then select "Have disc" and browse to the folder where the driver was stored.
We use Windows 10 x64 on all of our computers. I could not find a driver for the HPDJ 800 so I used the one for the 500 as someone suggested. They load fine but when I am done and go to print a test page, I get an error. I also tried printing right from AutoCAD and it has an error stating a problem with the driver.
If you fail to install drivers from your HP DesignJet 800 software CD (Hp designjet 800 (C7780B) / 800ps 42in C7780C), then the best option available is installing the latest HP DesignJet 800 driver package. For this reason, we are sharing in this post HP DesignJet 800 driver download links of Windows Vista, XP, 7, 2000, 8, 10, 8.1, Server 2003, Server 2008, Server 2012, Server 2016 for 32bit & 64bit versions, Mac OS X and Linux operating systems. HP DesignJet 800 24 Inch / HP DesignJet 800 42 Inch Plotter.
The latest version of a printer driver is supposed to resolve the bugs of its older version. Therefore, updating your printer driver on a regular basis helps you in improving the stability of your computer when you are using your printer.
Any mistake while installing a printer driver can lead to complications in the working of your printer. Therefore, thoroughly studying the installation method of a printer driver will help you in properly installing your new printer driver.
I have an HP Dj 800 plotter. When i command to print with Autocad this is the information it -THIS PLOTTER CONFIGURATION CANNOT BE USED TO FOR ONE OF THESE REASONS:-The drivers cannot be found, the device cannot be found, the driver has a problem. the non plotter device has been substituted.
After failing for quite a while to get the plotter even responding to anything and getting also the error 61:05 on the LCD panel, we were able to solve the issue by not using the "Windows 10 driver" at all and unsinstalling it entirely and use Instead older driver we used under Windows 7 hpdj500wx64pclen.exe Just need to point out that the installation of the old driver alone wasn't sufficient to make things work. For some odd reason it has been also necessary to install the HP instant print application (unclear why) as well as restart the spooler.
To do that. we went to the services stopped the spooler, waited 10 sec. then we started it again. After waiting a min. or so (to make sure the spooler woudl be fully running), we added manually the driver for a TCP/IP port, we entered the statically assigned IP port for the plotter and once the plotter was present in the Devices and Printers, we selected it and were able to print a test page.I took the time to share this here (even if a tad old of a topic) hoping it might help someone else running into the same issue. It would have surely helped me a lot if someone had done the same (like perhaps an HP tech troubleshooting the issue communicated here by their customers? hint-hint ;D)Best of luck!Incidentally: HP used to make very good products that lasted quite a long time (provided some TLC was involved that is) and this apparently came years later to bite them in the rear as they do not appropriately support older models still in service out there. No fear though, nowadays most of their products are designed with planned obsolescence therefore HP will no longer have this "problem" as the machines will fail long before the user will have had a chance to upgrade to a newer OS version.
All my PCs at my office updated to win 10 and everything went well when printing to the a HP DJ 800, untill I bought this new laptop with win 10 and all hell started. I installed the HP DJ 800 win 8 driver and no printing was possible. After waisting an afternoon I installed HP instant print and I could print from that, but still no test page or direct printing without passing by pdfs.
Than I added a new printer with the HP DJ 500 plus driver which is still available on the HP website (the HP DJ 800 driver search only give you HP instant print as software to install!!) doing it manually with a static IP adress after having restarted the printer. And it worked!!
Has anyone had any success with the DesignJet 800 on Windows 10. For some reason, HP seem to have abandoned this plotter and have not provided specific drivers since Windows 7. Considering other older plotters such as the 70 and 500 are both supported under Windows 10, I find this very disappointing.
Even with bitmap printing enabled, some systems have had problems printing to the DJ 800 on Windows 10 using the DJ 800 driver current at the time of upgrade. Although the printer was present and its properties could be opened as usual, the driver was rejected when trying to use it in AutoCAD.
In these cases, the printer had to be deleted, sometimes forcibly via the registry, then reinstalled before it would work. In others, the DJ 800 driver failed altogether and the DJ 500 driver had to be used, which still was not straightforward. When the printer is shared from a server, the driver sometimes has to be installed locally, then the shared printer installed and finally the local printer deleted in order to leave the shared printer working.
Just use the designjet 500 or 510 drivers as they will work just fine with your 800. If your computer is autodetecting the printer and will not load just turn off autodetect or load it using lpt1 as the port and then change the port to tcp/ip or usb after it has loaded as lpt1. Hope some of this works.
Thanks for the suggestion. I have already done some testing with the 500 driver and found the DJ 800 runs out of memory with plots bigger than A2 on Windows 7, which is the same issue we have with Windows 10. I have yet to try the 500 driver with Windows 10 but it may work with processing done on the PC rather than in the plotter. Could also consider increasing the RAM from 64MB.
I have now done some tests with Windows 10 and found that even the original 800 driver works if bitmap printing is selected. This beggs the question why, with everything else being equal, is more memory required when printing in Windows 10 than Windows 7? Also, if the 800 driver "works" with W10, why isn't it available for download from HP when W10 is selected as the OS, along with suggestions to use bitmap printing and/or upgrade the RAM. This would give the user some confidence in the driver.
Please make sure you have selected the correct driver for your plotter. Windows 10 has drivers pre-installed for all models of the DesignJet 500 and 800. There is no need to search for or download anything else. Please select the correct driver from this chart:
(Note: An alternate driver for both the HP Designjet 500 and 800 series is the HP Designjet 510 series driver. Please note there are no other compatible Designjet drivers for these printers other than the ones listed here)
We have found that HP DesignJet 500 and HP DesignJet 800 plotters will install correctly in Windows 10, the proper driver will load and everything will seem fine except print jobs will never come out of the plotter. No error messages will appear on the computer either - Windows thinks the print job was completed properly even though nothing ever came out of the plotter.
Download the latest and official version of drivers for HP DesignJet 800 Printer series. This driver package is available for 32 and 64 bit PCs. It is compatible with the following operating Systems: Windows 10 (32-bit), Windows 10 (64-bit), Windows 8.1 (32-bit), Windows 8.1 (64-bit), Windows 8 (32-bit), Windows 8 (64-bit), Windows 7 (32-bit), Windows 7 (64-bit), Windows Vista (32-bit), Windows Vista (64-bit), Windows XP (32-bit), Windows XP (64-bit), Windows 200, Windows ME, Windows NT, Windows 98. Don't worry if you don't know what's your operating system. HP website will automatically detect your device and select the best installer for your OS.
The installation of an HP DesignJet 800 42 plotter driver is similar to installing any other application on your computer. However, the install menu for HP printer drivers differs from the standard ones, and you need to know what to look for. Downloading the driver will start automatically, and you will need to open it after it has finished downloading. To install a printer driver, click on the file with an *exe extension and follow the instructions. 2ff7e9595c